Quarterly Quality Update
October 2017
Why are online reviews important?
Generating online reviews is important for two main reasons:
Reviews increase conversion rates. They give your customers a better understanding of your organization. If you have legitimate, quality reviews, customers will feel more comfortable in reaching out for an estimate and they can distinguish you from your competition.
Reviews help increase your rankings in the Google results pages. Simply put, the more often you show up, the more people will click on your link and explore your website. Google loves reviews! Other review sites are important as well (Yelp, Facebook, etc.). Google looks for a couple of things that fall into the “review ranking factors” bucket. First, how many reviews do you have? Second, is there variation in your reviews? If they are all five stars with no description, they may see that as suspicious. They actually prefer sites that show reviews averaging in the four- to five-star range. Finally, how often are you receiving reviews? Google likes to see a consistent and steady flow of reviews which proves to be another sign of legitimacy.
How can I get more reviews?
Ask! It’s important to ask your customers for reviews and to do so in a variety of ways. If you catch them at the wrong time or in the wrong place, they may feel less inclined to share. Ask them about their experience and be as direct as possible regarding how you would like them to follow up. If you are looking to improve your Google reviews for instance, direct them to the exact link that they need to visit via text or email. Also, make sure to follow up. If you have sent one request, it may not be enough. Be sure to develop a process in which you can follow up via phone, email, in person or a combination of all three! Persistence is key.
Quality Tip of the Month
Treat visiting drivers as if they were one of your own. Consider what other agents do for visiting drivers:
- Have paperwork ready and organized the night before a move
- Offer them a cup of coffee, send a fax for them or utilize your facilities
- Make sure they know they are important
- Make recommendations on a good truck stop or restaurant in town
- Avoid having the dispatch phone go to voicemail
- Be ready for them…loading dock, paperwork and labor available!
Quarters 2 & 3 Drivers of the Month
Each month Berger recognizes drivers who take pride in their profession and diligently work to improve or maintain their first-class quality and safety records.
Driver of the Month: Mark Helgemoe, Berger St. Paul
Mike Slama, Berger St. Paul
Kevin Fehlo, Berger St. Paul
Driver of the Month: Jose Esquivel Gonzalez, Berger Los Angeles
John Nyawetor, Berger Charlotte
Bruce Hendrickson, Berger St. Paul
Driver of the Month: Scott Jennings, Berger Cincinnati
Stephen Pilone, Berger Las Vegas
Gary Hamlin, Berger Charlotte
Driver of the Month: Renato Godoy, Berger Los Angeles
Agim Balla, Berger St. Paul
Gilbert Parra Miranda, Berger Los Angeles
Driver of the Month: James Florio, Berger Columbus
Jurgen Norton, Berger Cincinnati
Jose Perez, Berger Los Angeles
Driver of the Month: Agim Balla, Berger St. Paul
Bruce Hendrickson, Berger St. Paul
Fernando Ibarra, Berger Los Angeles